Not so long ago, if you wanted to embellish your house, you had to go to a bookstore. With the advent of the Internet, websites and blogs have sprung up to help homeowners carry out large projects, such as painting a house, or smaller but important details, such as filling in nail holes or slant-drilling without special tools. Then a new breed joined the ranks of the great encyclopedic remodeling sites: the DIY and lifestyle bloggers. These content producers bring together family, friends, and expertise in their home renovation projects, taking it all on a personal level. There's no such thing as a home renovation blog that's right for everyone, so this list of the best renovation blogs covers the horizon of online advice. Young love at home. John and Sherry Petersik are the best on the blog redesign scene right now, as they finely balance the domestic and personal with the professional and commercial. With more than 3,000 projects to their credit, John and Sherry's blog, Y...
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